by Lakota Phillips
The politicos have been demanding for months that Americans “suck it up,” stop whining, tighten their belts, deal with the realities of unavoidable cuts to social programs, to healthcare programs, to education and pretty much anything and everything that provides any modem of support to a nation crumbling under a devastating economic crash and staggering unemployment. Yes somehow, with an awesome debt of $14.3 trillion hanging like the proverbial albatross from America’s neck, our fearless leaders found a way to ADD $17 billion to the Defense Department budget.
Has anyone stopped to point out to the DOD and our President and our fine, upstanding leaders on the Hill that if they keep this shit up there won’t BE ANYTHING to DEFEND?
What – you’re going to feel all mighty and patriotic defending a land filled with starving, miserable people who have lost hope and no longer give a fuck? It is political grandstanding still. It is territorial pie fighting. It is a very clear indication that the Powers That Be don’t have a fucking clue because I guarantee that THEIR lives will not be impacted by the changes to social security, by eliminating arts and education programs, by slashing and burning health programs. It doesn’t touch them. All they can see is their fucking slice of American money pie. Eat up. You’re serving it over the killing fields layered with the bones of the citizens of this country.
As our esteemed President said today “he's prepared to take "significant heat" from his party over certain elements of the deficit reduction deal he's currently negotiating.” I’m sure he is.
HIS kids won’t go hungry tonight. But hey, that’s okay because as our President pointed out today, ours can “eat peas.”