Monday, October 25, 2010

BREAKING TABOO - Pervin’ on Porn

Join me on BREAKING TABOO  with very special guest Porn Star and Director Rebecca Lord discussing the Porn Industry. Also joining us is the Unholy Rev. Jeffrey Brunk covering the PTC Not Feeling the Glee. Live streaming from LA at 4pm PST/7pm EST. Station Link: - listen anywhere in the world. 

 Pornography is going to bring about the moral decay and collapse of society. It’s been working on it for the last… ohhhh… 30,000 years, give or take a millennium or two.
Greeks and Romans had erotic sculptures and frescos showing homosexuality, orgies and more, while in India the Kama Sutra was being snatched off the scroll shelf by the boatload. Ancient Peru got their kink on with ceramic pottery and the Japanese   perv’d to erotic woodblock prints, and the Chinese turned dildo-making into an art form. Actually, the oldest verified dildo is from 30,000 years ago. How much you want to bet it played a starring role in a little Palaeolithic voyeurism?

The likelihood of porn bringing about the collapse of civilization – probably not all that great, unless you count it as a 30,000 year downward spiral. According to some sources, the highest users of porn are teens, with more than 11 million regularly viewing porn online. Worldwide, there are 4.2 million pornographic websites, 420 million pornographic web pages, and 68 million daily search engine requests. I’m not sure how they got their teen stats since I’m pretty sure most teenagers wouldn’t confess to viewing porn – even though they do. And have. Since the beginning of time.

The news is speckled with stories of porn stars who reveal the “truth” about porn. In almost every case they seem to have left the porn industry to either work for a sex addiction clinic, promote a book about the evils of porn, joined a ministry, or in some way ditched the horns for the halo agenda. Really, isn’t that still just selling themselves in a different way? And while most of us don’t sell our sexual talents, almost everyone who works has to sell themselves on a regular basis. So get the fuck over the hypocrisy and holier than thou judging already.

Is it a risky business? Definitely as highlighted by the recent HIV scare. Does it entail dumbassedness – yup – just look at the lack of mandatory condom use. But there is a mix of truths and lies about the porn industry. Which is true and which is false depends on who you ask. So we’re asking Rebecca Lord.

True or False - the porn industry:
-Industry is rife with violence and coercion.
-Only perverted men and boys enjoy it.
-Porn stars are dumb and can’t get a better job.
-Normal / nice women don’t like porn.
-Porn degrades women.
-Male porn stars have to take Viagra.
-Most porn is outside the sexual mainstream and depicts depicting bestiality, pedophilia, rape and BDSM.
-Drugs and sexually transmitted diseases are rampant.
-There is no supporting data connecting porn with criminal behavior.
-Strippers and porn actresses are just college students looking to make some extra money.
-Female porn stars become lesbians because they get tired of all that dick day in and day out.
-75%-90% of porn performers are prostituted women.
-Porn actors have personal backgrounds of abuse and neglect.
-Once you’ve worked in the Porn industry no one will take you seriously as an actor, dancer, etc.

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